Friday, February 04, 2005

3:26 PM

Book Club Meeting, Feb. 03

The book club meeting, held in a darkly-lit coffeehouse, was great. Since I can't remember everything we talked about (Five favourite books, Lindsay from the Lovely Bones, that men-who-are-pregnant-via-their-brothers book that el had to read for uni) I will list what we drank:

El, had an apple cider. Upon arriving at our table, she exclaimed, somewhat terrified, "What the hell? Why are there sticks in my cider?!" On further inspection said sticks were actually not stripped from trees growing in the back lane of Seattle Coffeehouse but were cinnamon sticks.

Alicia ordered a banana flavoured steamed milk, all frothy and banana-ish.

I ordered the Mega White Mocha, which had me wired until five a.m. when I collapsed in bed and fell immediately asleep.

The Breakdown of February Book Club Selections:

El is reading The Notebook.
Alicia is reading The Golden Compass, part of Philip Pullman's "His Dark Materials" series.
Laura is reading The Colour Purple.
I'm reading Kay Hooper's Touching Evil.


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0 fires burning

posted by // Sarah Sovereign

Cinder and Smoke
Some Whispers Around the Trees
The Juniper Bends
As If You Were Listening
With Ash In Your Mouth
You'll Ask It to Burn Again