Thursday, February 03, 2005

4:06 PM

The Dwelling

The Dwelling by Susie Moloney was picked up at a secondhand book shop and I can see why the seller didn't want it. Its not that it isn't well written, because it is, and its not that certain passages don't pop with description and emotion -- but the book is damn boring. It took me about a month to struggle through it, and even then, admittedly, I have about a chapter left.

One might ask, "If you have a chapter left, why not just finish it?!" and the answer is simple because, "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE." I am so ready to put down this book and leave it be. This book is not as bad as some that I've read -- not as bad as "The Rising" by some guy who probably shouldn't want his name associated with his book anyway, or the romance novels I used to (inexplicably) read when I was fourteen. Moloney is a talented writer, but I found this book to be dry.

A lot of the characters she started with were real, fleshed out, detailed -- but only up to a point. The climax hits and they are suddenly gone from the story, flitting in and out as ghosts. You have small conclusions of their lives after the house is once again sold to the realtor, but thats about it. It leads to thinking that all the build-up, everything you learned about their careers, family life and personality were for naught -- was pointless. And that is incredibly frustrating.

Rating : 2/5 stars.


Testin' the ol' cow out.

By Blogger Sarah Sovereign, at 2:51 PM  

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1 fires burning

posted by // Sarah Sovereign

Cinder and Smoke
Some Whispers Around the Trees
The Juniper Bends
As If You Were Listening
With Ash In Your Mouth
You'll Ask It to Burn Again