Thursday, February 03, 2005

3:36 PM

Hardcore First Post Action.

I started this blog because I wanted to keep track of the books I've read and would recommend (or not recommend as the case may be). December and January were slow months for me, read-wise, and I hope to get back on top of my "few a month" norm. Part of my problem throughout the holiday months was busyness / restlessness, but also a smattering of not being able to find the right book -- throughout December I pushed myself through "The Dwelling" by Susie Moloney. (Review to follow.) But I also have a habit of picking up several books at once and reading them in intervals.

Likewise, this blog won't only be used in regards to books that I, personally, am reading, but books that I've read in the past and loved (or hated). This blog is also open to several other people who will be posting (hopefully!) the books their reading / loving / loathing.


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0 fires burning

posted by // Sarah Sovereign

Cinder and Smoke
Some Whispers Around the Trees
The Juniper Bends
As If You Were Listening
With Ash In Your Mouth
You'll Ask It to Burn Again